
As life happens there is always a need to talk about it. As I grew up...if you didn't talk about it, it didn't happen. That isn't how I work. I need to talk about it. I need to make things better...and I have a desire to just be happy. So, read if you want...I will be posting what is on my mind, what happens to me and about "Days As They Go By"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I am so alone in my own home. I feel afriad at night. I double check every door. Not obsesively...just enough to know they are locked. Then I lay in bed and still wonder...will the dog hear...what if they didn't want the dog to hear? Would they be successful? I am not sure. I hate feeling that there is someone or something that would want to terrorize me or my family. But, I really worried about a terorrist? No...I served my country....send me to war...send me to somewhere where we all are watching. As sad as is sounds...I fear my own brothers and sisters. I pray they stay away. I worry they have access to weapons. I hope that I can keep my children safe. I worry....what if I can't? I was never safe as a child. No one kept me can I keep them safe. I thought that living in the "sticks" would be safe. Well it is only safe if they don't know where you live, or they are in prison, or they just don't care about you or what you think. I am not sure my family fits the safe zone. Is there anyone that knows how to help? My husband and sister think I am just overreacting....I wish that is how I felt in the bottom of my stomach. I worry every second. I don't know where to go...or how to be to feel safe. I guess....if it my time will be my time. I can only hope my family can enjoy life for a long long time. I hope I can keep them safe!
So...can you believe that some people lie? It is true!!!! Sometimes people worry more about what you think than what you are worth as a friend. The truth is worth its weight in gold in any friendship. I have a friend...that used to be friends. Not niether. I mean it is wierd how men can be friends without thier wives being friends ...right? So let me tell you the story. We (my husband and I) have been friends with another couple for some time.
Until.....all of the sudden she wasn't our friend. What???? So now it is her 50th birthday and I am supposed to care. Well I am not sure I do. Normally I would be the first to throw a party for her. But, not only does she not want a party...she doesn't want to be around any of our "normal" friendship ring. I don't know how to tell her husband...other than try and understand. Unfortunately I know he is the only one she talks to..and at work she throws me under the bus. I know that I can't...and wouldn't ask for his loyalty. ...but I don't need to be lied to by either of them. So...where is the line? I will for sure try to be the better person. I hope that I don't have to decide on the line. But, we all know that the day is coming. If if wasn't I wouldn't be blogging. I will keep you informed. I hope she comes around. My/Our friendship relies on it ...and unfortunately as rumor has does my job.